JavaScript Operators: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners to Advanced Learners
Operators in JavaScript allow us to perform operations on variables and values. They are fundamental building blocks of any JavaScript program. In this article, we will explore various types of JavaScript operators with detailed explanations and multiple examples for each.
1. Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic operators perform mathematical operations on numbers.
Operator | Description |
+ | Addition |
- | Subtraction |
* | Multiplication |
/ | Division |
% | Modulus (Remainder) |
** | Exponentiation |
++ | Increment |
-- | Decrement |
let a = 10, b = 5;
console.log(a + b); // 15
console.log(a - b); // 5
console.log(a * b); // 50
console.log(a / b); // 2
console.log(a % b); // 0
console.log(a ** b); // 100000
returns the remainder whena
is divided byb
to the power ofb
2. Assignment Operators
Assignment operators assign values to variables.
Operator | Example | Equivalent To |
= | a = 10 | Assigns 10 to a |
+= | a += 5 | a = a + 5 |
-= | a -= 3 | a = a - 3 |
*= | a *= 2 | a = a * 2 |
/= | a /= 2 | a = a / 2 |
%= | a %= 3 | a = a % 3 |
let x = 10;
x += 5; // x = 15
x -= 3; // x = 12
x *= 2; // x = 24
x /= 6; // x = 4
x %= 3; // x = 1
Explanation: Each operator modifies x
based on the given operation.
3. Comparison Operators
These operators compare values and return true
or false
Operator | Description |
== | Equal to |
=== | Strictly equal to (checks both value and type) |
!= | Not equal to |
!== | Strictly not equal to |
> | Greater than |
< | Less than |
>= | Greater than or equal to |
<= | Less than or equal to |
console.log(5 == '5'); // true (value is same)
console.log(5 === '5'); // false (type is different)
console.log(10 > 5); // true
console.log(10 < 5); // false
console.log(10 !== 10); // false
Explanation: ==
checks value, ===
checks value and type.
4. String Operators
String operators allow manipulation of text.
Operator | Description |
+ | Concatenation |
+= | Concatenation assignment |
let str1 = "Hello";
let str2 = " World!";
console.log(str1 + str2); // Hello World!
let str3 = "JavaScript ";
str3 += "is awesome!";
console.log(str3); // JavaScript is awesome!
Explanation: +
joins strings, +=
appends a string.
5. Logical Operators
These operators return boolean values based on conditions.
Operator | Description | ||
&& | Logical AND | ||
` | ` | Logical OR | |
! | Logical NOT |
console.log(true && false); // false
console.log(true || false); // true
console.log(!true); // false
if both conditions are true.||
if at least one condition is true.!
negates the boolean value.
6. Bitwise Operators
Bitwise operators perform operations on binary representations of numbers.
Operator | Description | |
& | AND | |
` | ` | OR |
^ | XOR | |
~ | NOT | |
<< | Left shift | |
>> | Right shift |
console.log(5 & 1); // 1
console.log(5 | 1); // 5
console.log(5 ^ 1); // 4
console.log(~5); // -6
console.log(5 << 1); // 10
console.log(5 >> 1); // 2
Explanation: These operators work at the binary level.
7. Ternary Operator
A shorthand for if-else
let age = 20;
let status = (age >= 18) ? "Adult" : "Minor";
console.log(status); // Adult
Explanation: If age >= 18
, it returns "Adult", else "Minor".
8. Type Operators
These operators help check or manipulate types.
Operator | Description |
typeof | Returns the type of a variable |
instanceof | Checks if an object is an instance of a class |
console.log(typeof 10); // number
console.log(typeof "Hello"); // string
console.log(typeof true); // boolean
console.log([1, 2, 3] instanceof Array); // true
Explanation: typeof
returns the type, instanceof
checks the instance.
JavaScript operators are essential for writing efficient code. By understanding how they work, you can improve your problem-solving skills and write cleaner, more effective programs. Keep practicing with different examples to master them!